Swimming Lessons

Swimming is a great way to bond with your little ones and help them develop essential skills. Whether you have a newborn or a toddler, you can enjoy the benefits of water play and learning together. Join our swimming classes and discover how much fun you can have with your baby or toddler in the pool. You’ll love seeing their smiles and confidence grow as they splash, kick, and float with you. Don’t miss this opportunity to create lasting memories and lifelong swimmers. Sign up today and get ready to dive into a world of bonding and joy.

Regular classes: 

Sundays 9:00 am for babies (3-18 months) 

Sundays 9:30 am for toddlers (19 months-2.10 years old)

Where: Classes are at the Radisson Blu Hotel. Family Pool.

Capacity: 8-10 babies | 7 toddlers per class.

You might be wondering why baby/toddler swimming lessons last 30 minutes. The answer is simple: they have a limited attention span and can get tired easily. Swimming is a fun and stimulating activity, but it also requires a lot of energy and concentration. By keeping the lessons short, we ensure that your baby enjoys the water and learns new skills without getting overwhelmed or bored. Plus, shorter lessons mean more time for cuddles and snacks afterward!

Note: Some of our classes may already be fully booked, depending on the season. However, don’t hesitate to sign up below if you’re interested, and we’ll strive to accommodate your requests as quickly as possible.

Swimming Lessons for all ages (0-100 years old)

Yes, that includes You!
Are you a parent of older children looking to enroll them in swimming lessons? Look no further! Our swimming lessons cater to all age groups – from infants to seniors, and everyone in between. For the past three years, we have successfully taught a wide range of people, including babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers, adults, and even triathletes.